We at Zeaus Clinic offer Integrative Medicine and Healing.
We pioneered extensive research on Muscle Engineering and Cellular level tissue Restoration and Management. With our extensive decades of experience and extensive research has made us a house hold name in Integrative
Dr. Rhajene Ghosh
Founder and CEO practices Integrative Medicine combining Regenerative Medicine with Quantum Science, using evidence based research.
We are an international team of Scientists, Medical and Osteopath, Complimentary Medicinal Doctors, Therapists, and Practitioners determined to offer a refreshing, Innovative approach to medicine. The Zeaus Concept is a way of redefining the healing experience through the integration of traditional East and Western medicine with cutting edge science. A 360° individualized approach to health.

“From a young age, I was fascinated by the human body and health sciences.
growing up in house hold where health of the mind, body and environment was greatly valued,
it felt natural for me to pursue a career in Integrative Medicine.”
- Dr. Rhajene Ghosh MD.,DO.,DN.,CST.,Ph.D(USA)