Discover the Chronic Degenerative illness treatment program that has given others hope, even after other treatments have failed.
Nervous System and Rehabilitation
Scientific and evidence based Quantum approach to the Neurological system of both mind-body and medicine
Non Invasive and Drugless approach to Restore, Rebalance,Replenish the Neuro System with our personalized medicinal formulations and Therapeutic Treatments.
We are successful in stimulating the Immune System and Nerve Function helping to Regenerate Healthy New Cells and Tissue.
Which helps faster wound healing and prevents clot formation by increasing the blood circulation.
Through Promising Treatment with Neuro Cranial Re - Structuring.
The Zeaus Approach
Zeaus formulated various forms of Phyto-Nano stem cell-based therapies. One of the most advanced forms of regenerative medicine. Phyto based complex combination of mesenchymal and blood stem cells, exosomes , and transcription factors plays a vital role in combating chronic degenerative diseases includining but not limited to:
- Multiple sclerosis,
- Neurological disorders,
- Spine and Brain disorders
- Post Traumatic injury
- Post Traumatic stress disorders
- Surgical Disorders
- Anxiety disorder
- Disc bulge/prolapse
- Spondylolisthesis
- Tail bone problem
- All spinal disorders
“Thank u so much for ur treatment very happy to say that my leg sprain got alright within a couple days. Thank u doctor for ur kind and warm treatment.“
- Dr. KannanRadhakrishnan
Best Regards
“Thank u so much for ur treatment very happy to say that my back pain with numbness radiating to the leg got alright within a couple days which was troubling me for more than 15 years. Thank u doctor for ur kind and warm treatment.“
Best Regards
“We are so greatful to the entire team of Zeaus. I came to Dr Rhajene with disfunction of my eyes, speech, legs, memory after the treatment I am now perfectly alright, able to walk, talk properly and my hearing improved. I was truly impressed with your nice facility and caring staff. I just wanted to thank Dr Rhajene ghosh for taking such great care for me when I was ill.“
- Venkata Surya HanumanthaRao
Best Regards
“Dr Rhajene ghosh is very well qualified, she attends each patient with utmost care. Dr Rhajene successfully treated chronic liver dysfunction, muscle atrophy decreased contractions and adhesions broken, muscle width increased in both lower limbs i. Range of motion in hip abduction, adduction, flexion and extension, improved left leg function. My muscle tone of lower limbs balanced, sensation improved in left leg, balance and coordination increased a bit when compared to previous and range of motion is increased in all joints. I am very thankful to each and every staff member of zeaus.“
- Mr BapuRao
Best Regards
“I visited clinic , approach of doctor is good
Very confident that pt will improve
-Praveen Ankathi, NEURO SURGON
Best Regards