Discover the Chronic Degenerative illness treatment program that has given people hope, even after other treatments had failed.

Integrative Orthopedic

 We can find exactly where your weak links are, that allowed your body to become compromised in the first place.

 By improving these areas, the body is supported to maximally engage its healing process.

 Reduces inflammation and restore healthy movements of the body with our unique, Therapeutic Treatment protocols and Functional Medicines.

Who is the Cell Therapy Program For?

The Zeaus Cell Therapy Program is for those suffering from chronic degenerative disease including but not limited to:

  •  Fibromyalgia
  •  Lupus
  •  Osteoarthritis
  •  Chronic pain
  •  Muscular dystrophy
  •  Orthopedic disorders
  •  Traumatic Injuries
  •  Post surgical Recovery
  •  Post Traumatic stress disorders
  •  Psychiatric support and Restoration
  •  Anxiety disorder
  •  Tissue Damage
  •  Musculo skeletal Problems
  •  Low back pain
  •  Neck pain

  •  Knee Pain
  •  Shoulder Pain
  •  Whiplash
  •  Sciatica
  •  Tendinitis
  •  Sprain
  •  Strains
  •  Torn Ligaments
  •  Cartilage Damage
  •  Cervical Spondylosis
  •  Thoracic outlet syndrome
  •  Myofasical Pain syndrome
  •  Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
  •  Heel pain

“ Have known Dr Rhajene Ghosh for two years and she has personally been of great help as my therapist in getting over muscle stiffness and sore joints due to advancing age. Being a Naturopathy Doctor myself and having been both conducting classes and healing people for the past 23 years, I can certainly say that I have never come across a more competent person in her field who always displays complete empathy for those under her care. I wish her all the best in her profession and life “
- Dr. VasanthaKrishnaswamy Best Regards

★ ★ ★ ★★         - Joy Ghosh Best Regards

★ ★ ★ ★★     - Aruna Kumari Rayavarapu Best Regards

The stem cells and supportive cells are able to regulate the immune response, counteract inflammation, and even repair organ and nerve damage. insted of target specific joint damage and rebuild cartilage in a particular area. This one-two punch of tissue regeneration and immune recalibration is one of the most powerful treatments Zeaus offers.



An individualized immunotherapy that harnesses your immune cells to work in a more efficient and more coordinated fashion.

Body work

Relieve pain, promote deep muscle relaxation and blood circulation while stimulating muscle and metabolic function to support healing.

Cellular detoxification

Cellular detoxification therapy is a procedure where natural cleansing , Detox tea will be administered to support detoxification, boost energy, relieve abdominal pain and support the immune system.

IV therapy

Replace a broad range of vitamin deficiencies, boost vitamin levels in the body, and increase bio availability of essential nutrients directly through the blood stream.

Global diagnosis

Global Diagnostics is an alternative whole body scanning and treatment system from Germany based on bioenergetics.

Lymphatic drainage

The Lymphatic system is the body’s drainage system. Nutrients and waste from the cells are transported through the lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage helps reduce cellulitis, swelling, and water retention. It is also used to assist in detoxification.


A nutritionist will discuss eating habits and food choices and a customized diet plan and supplement recommendations will be issued according to your needs.

Thymus therapy

Support and restore thymus gland function, modulating the immune system by regulating the immune cell production.